
Sirens Newsletter – Volume 5, Issue 2 (December 2012)

We have a short newsletter this month! Many of our staff members will be traveling or on vacation between now and the end of the year, but we’ll do our best to answer any questions you might have in the next few weeks.


Reminder: Registration Prices Go Up January 1!
Registration for Sirens is currently $175. After December 31, the price goes up to $185. You can register and purchase Sirens Shuttle and Sirens Supper tickets at the same time—or add extras later by logging in to your existing registration.


Gift Certificates
Sirens gift certificates are available on our website. Gift certificates are a terrific addition to your holiday wishlist, and they are an excellent gift for friends who would like to join us but need a little financial help to do so. Gift certificates can be purchased in any amount. All you need is a name and an email address for the recipient.

After you purchase your gift certificate, we will create it in a PDF and send it to either you or your recipient, depending on your wishes. We know that sometimes it’s about the gift and not the giver, so gift certificates can be given anonymously.

The fine print: Gift certificates purchased between now and next October can be used only for 2013 Sirens registrations, and for Sirens Supper and Sirens Shuttle tickets for 2013. Like the registrations and tickets, the gift certificates are non-refundable, but can be transferred. Because the gift certificates are for Sirens attendance, your recipient must be 18 years old as of October 10, 2013. Please note that gift certificates purchased now are only good for Sirens in 2013 and don’t roll over to other years; they’ll expire in October.

For more information and to purchase gift certificates, please check out our gift certificate page. If you have questions, just ask our registration team at (registration at


Programming for 2013
It’s never too early to start thinking about presenting at Sirens in 2013. We encourage you to take on the theme of “reunion” and revisit any of the themes—warriors, fairies, monsters, and tales retold—from the past four years. Why not mix it up with monstrous fairies, or retold warrior tales? For a journey down memory lane, and to see what was presented in past years, take a look at the Sirens archive. We think you’ll have more to add to the great conversations of 2009–2012.

In the spring, the Sirens LiveJournal will host a series of posts on how to prepare a proposal, but in the meantime, please feel free to explore the programming section of the Sirens website, check out the Sirens reading list for ideas, and put out feelers for co-presenters on the Sirens message boards or Facebook. (We’ve heard some folks are already brainstorming!)


We’re Excited About…
Do you have fantasy book-related news for us? Send us your links and announcements (help at by December 31 and we’ll add them to the January newsletter.

Until next month, happy reading!


Questions? You can comment here or write to us at (help at

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